Customer Testimonials

We ordered a refurbished printer from Athema Services. It arrived the next day and was very well packed. A wonderful company to do business with.

By Marc Wachsmann
2016-01-25 12:52:24


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A4 & A3 Scanners - Refurbished
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Ex Demonstration and Graded Products->
Graphics Cards
Printer Repair Service & Refurbishments
Refurbished Printers->
audio & home theatre->
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                  electric vehicle charging cables
                  navigator cases->
                  smart home environmental sensors
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                    note paper->
                signage display mount accessories
              workspace dividers->
            handheld printer accessories->
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          handheld vacuums->
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bags & cases->
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cameras & camcorders->
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electrical equipment & supplies->
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measuring, testing & control->
not categorized->
printers & supplies->
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TVs, monitors & projectors->
warranty & support->
Xerox Paper & Labels Supplies->

Customer Testimonials

Excellent service. A new unit failed to work in my printer, but I was given very good support and th ...

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By Richard Payne

Excellent on-line service thankyou

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By Christopher Sandford

When my HP printer failed I wanted a replacement HP printer/scanner, ideally second hand. I had TWO ...

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By Simon

Needed a replacement for my faithful old HP 1320, found Athema via Google, they had what I wanted at ...

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By Carolyn Simm

Needed a Printer super quick and all delivered and set up really easily , and the team were very hel ...

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By Sarah

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