Customer Testimonials

Morning Darren, Just to let you know printer all installed etc. last week, it's spot on!

By Robert Singlehurst
05/07/2011 09:40


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Customer Testimonials
Speedy delivery of a hard-to-find PSU.

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By Gary Stimson

milborrow chimney sweeps
Wonderful service in a time of need .. We had a breakdown of our computer and phoned the order li ...

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By kevin giddings

Very helpful staff, located the exact item I needed, quick and ear service and was updated along the ...

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By Lee Smitten

I was truly amazed at the speed my request was dealt with and would accordingly be pleased to recomm ...

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By Dennis Osborne

I have a HP2600n machine which has been brilliant , but for some reason and coincidentally the ink r ...

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By Angela McNeela

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